Hey there, it’s Anh. 20 year old fashion girl from Berlin.
I have been blogging for over 3 years on my old blog tha.Darlinh, stopped 6 months ago mainly because of time issues. But guess what? If things become such a prominent part of your life, it is almost impossible to keep them out. So I decided to do a fresh start.
Meanwhile I have been working on my styling and design career (still studying at ESMOD Berlin – one year to go from now). Thus #StylingbyAnh is a website combining my work portfolio and this baby blog, to keep it all close together.
What can you expect? For starters outfits – duh. Shopping tips, taste & inspiration. I will take you on my travels and through the world of a stylist/blogger/designer/fashion student/Berlin Mitte girl/Vietnamese/WALD assistant and how a special person would call me – best friend freak (ok no, she calls me “Spasti” most of the time but I think that is what she means haha).
I hope you’ll join me – it’s going to be fun!
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